21st National Care Awards 2019

You may well have seen my award winning film 'What Do You See?', starring Virginia McKenna, and know how passionate I am about improving care standards and celebrating outstanding care.

I wanted to personally offer my congratulations for the fabulous acknowledgement those have received in their nominations for the 21st National Care Awards. It is truly wonderful to know the difference they have made to those in their care and I hope this inspires many others. 

I am delighted to see I have personally worked with and delivered my training to 21 of this years' nominees and look forward to introducing my NEW, The Heart Of Care training, which supports my 2020 Vision for Care Campaign focusing on three key areas in Care; Dignity, End of Life and Carer's Wellbeing.

As a token of my appreciation to all those continuing to transform care, I would personally like to share a gift of £50 to go towards my NEW training, which will be launching in Spring 2020.

To register your interest and claim your £50 gift, please me let me know here. There is absolutely no obligation, but you must claim your gift should you wish to benefit from the discount.

For news on up and coming developments of the new training, keynote speeches, events and to join the campaign, please subscribe here.

About The National Care Awards

The National Care Awards is the longest established Annual Awards and is organised by social care’s leading publication, Caring Times. Caring Times reflects the opinion leaders in the social care sector, focusing on news affecting the private, public and not-for-profit providers of nursing and residential care.

The Awards were devised to celebrate the very best people in the long-term care sector, highlighting excellence and rewarding those who work tirelessly to provide consistently outstanding care.

For more information about the National Care Awards and their FAQ please visit www.careifo.org



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