This powerful short film by Amanda Waring takes a journey through a day in the life and a life in the day of stroke victim Elsie (played by Virginia Mckenna). Elsie craves compassion and understanding of the person she is inside, rather than the useless "carcass" she may appear on the outside. Elsie makes a silent but heartfelt plea for her carers to "look" AMANDA WARING SAYS "Thank you for your interest in my award winning awareness raising film WHAT DO YOU SEE? This film has
been acknowledged as one of the most valuable tools to highlight dignity and respect fort the elderly. For me the importance of honoring and having respect for older people inspired me to make this film. My film has been used around the world to re-enforce person centred care and the expectation of treating others as you would wish to be treated no matter what age, race, colour, creed or disability. I sold my flat in order to make this film as it was too important not to be made.